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Tips Battlefield 4

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Tips Battlefield 4 Empty Tips Battlefield 4

Message par Alicate Mer 4 Déc - 22:47

Some pretty cool finds here & edit: many more good finds throughout the thread that could not fit in this post...

Gamespur Article: Battlefield 4: Tons of Little Known Tips And Tricks That Players Should Use [gamepur.com] -
By Sehran Sun, 2013-11-03 14:45

Here is massive list of little known tips and tricks that players should used to get upper hand in Battlefield 4 against enemy.

* Pressing E on a dead soldier when medic will automatically switch you to the defibrellator paddles and revive (brings back weapon after revive). - CryptiKau

* Shoot once and don't reload in the LAV to get an extra 12 rounds to regenerate in your ammo pool. - kahoona

* Press F5 and F6 on the attack boat to eject in a jet ski! - 1ildevil

* You can repair reactive armor... You use the repair tool on the side where the reactive armor has been blown off, and eventually the armor will reappear. (or) you may need to repair the vehicle past 100% - rdmx & Zapatopi

* F switches weapons in vehicles/boats. - Zeigy

* In BF4, you can't suffer from reload syndrome because every magazine you reload subtracts from your total ammo. If you noticed you run out of ammo so fast in BF4, that's why.
* Mouse over enemy and hit Q to spot

* Double tap WW to run and you don't have to hold the shift key. Or set your sprint key to auto sprint, so that you don't have to hold any buttons

* There is a brand new cover mechanic that is explained very briefly in the first campaign mission. If you are crouched behind a bipod friendly cover object, you can just use the right mouse button to quickly peak your weapon over it in the ready position. Its much faster than toggling crouch and best yet is that you can center your reticle before hand to put a bead on a target very quickly.

* This is a no brainer that I missed some how. No more running around your starting area racing people for a chance to get into a vehicle. If you want a certain one, just wait in the deploy map before hitting deploy and click on the vehicle icon of what you want, you will spawn right in the drivers seat if its blue. You can also click on the grey icons to see what is available for use on that particular map.

* There is no compass in Hardcore modes, but if you look at the map early on and find the direction of the farthest objective, its much easier to discern location information via radio. When I hear there is a baddy to the west I just look for Objective C for instance via my UI, which I knew was East and do an about face.

* When you see "heavy enemy presence nearby" that's your commander telling you a cruise missle is about to drop on you. Run like hell.

* Call out objectives for your squad as a squadleader. Everyone gets more points / push if you have the objective marked. Everyone gets bonuses for following the order & killing people along the way. Roughly 200+ score per minute.

* You can actually hold a grenade with the pin pulled indefinitely. You can even put it away (without blowing your face off) by switching weapons while you have the pin pulled. Simply press the grenade throw button and then hold the fire button once the animation starts. Your soldier will stick his hand out like he's posing for the Highsman. Jumping will cause you to throw it, but having the pin pulled decreases the time needed to throw, although sprint is disabled.

* Also, this creates a dead man grenade as it drops at your feet if you die. Good for holding points or M-COMs.

* Accept orders given by the commander, even if you don't follow them. It makes for free points for both of you.

* Crouch while swimming and you will dive.

* The AK-12 and its carbine variant AKU-12 both have an increased RoF in burst fire mode.

* If your solider is "angled" behind cover, you can just press on the aim button (ADS) and it'll automatically "aim out" at your target. You can un-ADS to get back into cover. All of this without using your WASD (or moving) keys.

* Tap fire with belt-fed LMGs. Pretty much just 2-3 round bursts will help engage enemies at medium to long range.

* If you are out of rounds while using the mortar, just press and hold E to pick it up and re-deploy, your mortar will go back to full ammo.

* If you have an XP boost active while playing commander, you'll get the boost points but no time will be taken from the boosts duration.

* When you are a squadleader (star behind your name), you have the ability to command your squadmates to either defend or attack by looking at an objective and pressing 'Q'.

* On the deployment screen, double click a spawn point instead of having to press the deploy button.

* Flying choppers over areas can blow up dust to give cover to your guys capping points.

* you can zero your sniper rifle and DRM. This means adjusting your crosshair to a specific distance with bullet drop. Use the PLD and aim at your target to measure distance (RNG = range). Then press V (default key) with your sniper rifle, to configure the range of the shot.

* Double click on a tank to auto spawn, but realize you've forgotten to equip the repair tool? Click your gadget slot and you'll go to the equipment screen, take your time and get your repair tool out, and once you click deploy you'll auto spawn into the tank

* USAS-12 + frags battle pickup is the only super weapon in the game that can be resupplied with ammunition.
Grade >> "C'est de la Bombe"
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Messages : 335
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2012
Localisation : Dunkerque

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Tips Battlefield 4 Empty Re: Tips Battlefield 4

Message par Alicate Mer 4 Déc - 22:47

1-ne jamais viser plus de 4 sec quelque chose sauf si vous visez une personne et que vous la voyez, dans ce cas là, vous pouvez la viser pendant 6 sec;

2-une bonne couverture est un objet solide qui vous couvre 3 ou 4 angles de vue et qui (facultatif) a un toit;

3-une couverture correcte est comme la bonne sauf qu'elle ne couvre que 1 ou 2 angles de vue, et qu'elle n'est pas solide (destructible). Le toit est toujours facultatif;

4-une mauvaise couverture est un objet non solide qui couvre que 1 angle de vue et dont on peut voir dépasser une partie de votre corps;

5-ne recharger que quand on est à couvert et si vous ne l'êtes pas, trouvez-en une et prenez la deuxième arme jusqu'à la couverture;

6-le plus important: se mettre à couvert toutes les 8 sec et regarder derrière sois dès qu'on y est. (profitez-en pour recharger)Je sais que vue comme ça, ça a l'air super dur mais croyez moi, cette règle, c'est la

7-ne pas avancer tête baissée dans le camp ennemi;

8-ne pas traverser un terrain à découvert: contournez-le;

9-lorsque vous visez quelqu'un de loin, ne pas vider le chargeur sur lui, mais donner des salves de 3-4 balles, et n'oubliez surtout pas la règle n°2;

10-ne vous planquez pas près d'un tank ou d'un autre véhicule terrestre plus de 6 sec car les ingénieurs et les tireurs d'élite feront pleuvoir des roquettes et des mortiers dessus;

11-si vous voulez vous introduire dans le camp ennemi très vite, ne prenez pas le Quad, mais le HUMV , c'est tout aussi rapide, mieux protégé et on peut y mettre plus de personnes. Sauf si il y a beaucoup de personnes dans votre escouade, dans ce cas, il vaut mieux prendre le Quad si il y a un respawn massif;

12-lors d'une partie, mettez vous dans une escouade, vous aurez plus de choix de réapparition, et puis vous aiderez aussi les autres membres de l'escouade;

13-lorsque une explosion retentit près de vous, (la manette tremble et l'écran aussi)mettez-vous à couvert (de préférence une bonne couverture), attendez 4 sec puis sprintez jusqu'à une autre couverture plus loin;

14-vous ne pourrez jamais faire de 1 shoot avec un fusil d'assaut (ou mitraillette)+balles Magnum, sauf avec un fusil de précision, donc franchement prenez un autre gadget à la place, car la seule chose bénéfique chez les mun. Magnum c'est qu'elles traversent mieux les couvertures et infligent plus de dégâts aux véhicules, et je ne sais pas vous, mais ça ne m'est jamais venu à l'idée de détruire un véhicule avec un fusil d'assaut ou une mitraillette;

15-inutile de vous dire que si vous entendez des balles siffler, il faut vous mettre à couvert, mais restez-y 4 sec, puis sprintez vers une autre couverture, souvent, l'ennemi vide son chargeur sur vous, mais il ne pourra pas recharger en 4 sec;

16-donner un coup de couteau est lent, donc évitez d'en donner un à un ennemi si il est à moins de 8 mètres d'un autre;

17-vous n'êtes pas Chuck Norris, ne Rushez pas;

18-ne jamais rester à couvert plus de 10 sec;

19-et enfin, quand vous êtes aux commandes d'un véhicule, n'allez pas trop vite, surtout dans les virages, sinon...
vous tuerez vos coéquipiers et vous même!
Grade >> "C'est de la Bombe"
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Messages : 335
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2012
Localisation : Dunkerque

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Tips Battlefield 4 Empty Re: Tips Battlefield 4

Message par clone Jeu 5 Déc - 19:32

Sympa Ali le partage de ce que doit faire un bon soldat sur le terrain.

Messages : 1775
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2012
Age : 49

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Tips Battlefield 4 Empty Re: Tips Battlefield 4

Message par Alicate Mer 11 Déc - 12:27

Grade >> "C'est de la Bombe"
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Messages : 335
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2012
Localisation : Dunkerque

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Tips Battlefield 4 Empty Re: Tips Battlefield 4

Message par Alicate Ven 13 Déc - 9:28

1: equip "INDIRECT FIRE" perk, which let you put down 2 ammo box in the same time

2: put down 2 ammo box around you

3: empty one pistol magazine, before you put a new magazine into your pistol, quick switch to your primary weapon

4: shooting UCAV, the first, second or maybe third UCAV won't instant reload... but you will get instant UCAV reload very soon

5: Enjoy!! Let's break the F***ing game, ruin everyone's fun,

Then DICE will know how bullshit UCAV is, then finally decide to remove UCAV or nerf it to useless!!

UCAV tips: don't forget to unlock Air Burst UCAV by finish "I'm dynamite" assignment...or UCAV wont be able to kill 4-5 people in one shot. not OP enough
Grade >> "C'est de la Bombe"
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Messages : 335
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2012
Localisation : Dunkerque

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